Friday, 19 October 2012


"How could you use Teacher's Pet in teaching?"

I learned that Teacher’s Pet is useful and practical tool for teachers to use. It helps teachers to prepare good supplementary materials for classroom discussion and also it helps learners to learn things as grammar, vocabulary etc by urging them thinking and meaningfully understanding the lesson topic. In brief, I can say that this tool can be supporter of a teacher and without spending too much time on unnecessary details, a teacher can create more effective material with these tools.


Before I used Teacher’s Ped, I hadn’t known anything about it. Now, I know that It is a very effective tool to prepare classroom activities about words, grammar, synonyms and many things like these. I want to use Teacher’s Pet during my teaching profession because with this tool, I can prepare supplementary materials for my classroom activities. The most effective feature of this activity is, in my opinion, that it can be used easily and supplementary materials can be prepared quickly. As we saw in the video, this can help teachers to prepare activities such as word, sentence, punctuation completion activities, synonym finding activities etc.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

KWL and Interactivity

Interactive Web Pages(IWP) are really interactive and helpful. Interactive Web pages give feedback and give chance to the learners to learn until they learn completely. And also, IWP help the learners to integrate their existing knowledge as in the listening music and filling gab activity.
From the activity, I learn how to mix sentences and find the right place of sentences. I think that Jmix in hot potatoes can helps learners to learn the complex structure of sentences. Secondly, I learned how to prepare tests. In my opinion, this is the best activity because as a pre-service teacher, I can use this activity in my teaching process in the classroom. Lastly, I learned how to use Jcloze. Jcloze helps learners to integrate their existing knowledge and also this activity makes the learning process enjoyable.


Before I began to use interactive web pages, I hadn’t known anything about them. Now, I want to learn to use them and how they can be beneficial form e at my studies. Also, I want to learn how I can use Interactive Web pages during my profession in the future.
This activity is really helpful. With this activity, I learned how to organize Interactive Web pages and as a pre-service teacher and I learned that I can use the Internet to create texts or activities that are for deep understanding for my students during my profession. Also, this activity changed my perspective about the internet and instructional technology. As a result of this activity, I learned to use the internet for individual development, assessment and this activity showed me how I can interactively introduce a new topic to my students

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

'vocabulary profiling' "CTE319" "data driven learning".

These tools showed me the frequency of the use of words in the texts and which words are common in English. These tools can help me to find different forms of words in the sentences and find out the mistakes in sentence structure.
I think that BNL and BNC Vocabulary Profiler and Test Document Readability are the ones of the best tools because I can list the common words in English and know which words are the key ones and also one of these tools helps me to correct my mistakes in sentences.
However, although these tools can be beneficial at many points, there are, in my opinion, some drawbacks of them. The fist is that in order to use text with these tools, we need some background knowledge about the texts that we are going to use with these tools. Second drawback is that in order to use these tools, there should be a class in which there is computer or other electronic tools like projection. However, we can't find these facilities almost anywhere easily, so this sometimes makes the use of these beneficial tools impossible

Use of the Text Analysing Tools

I could use these text analysis tools to make the teaching and learning process easier. With these tools, I can teach my students the different forms of words and how they are used in sentences.And also, I can teach my students how to handle and read the long texts and how to analyse them with these tools.


Concordance is very beneficial tool in order to see where the words are used in a text, what kind of forms a word take in sentence and how a word is used in sentence stucture.Because of these benefits, this tool can be used as a supplementary source in the classroom environment.


I think that the nature of readability of texts includes the way that the text transmits the knowledge to its reader and it can include the ways with which the text is tramsmitted to its reader. I want to use the computer to design and publish the knowledge with the best way, so the opinion that I want to transmit can be conveyed correctly  by using the computer.

From this activity, I learned how to use readability statistics for the texts and how to find problems in the texts. And also, this activity shows me how to compare the words in a text with most common English words. Moreover, I learned to have an idea about a text without reading it by using Wordle. Lastly, I learned how I can find the use of words and see their different forms in a sentence.

Friday, 5 October 2012


English lexis structure needs to be practices many times. In order to be effective at knowing and guessing English words, we should interact with English language and try to use its vocabulary commonly. In order to be knowledgeable about word frequency, I think that we should be good at vocabulary.

Vocabulary Profiling

Prism is an effective for using common words. I don’t think that the same word has the same color in the different genres because its frequency always changes according to the genres.

Vocabulary Profiling

As a teacher, I could use vocabulary profile in order to determine which words that are used by students known frequently or commonly or at low level. Then, as in the video, I prepare a list of these words. It is possible for students to use vocabulary profile. Later, I would encourage my students to interact with each other and make a word list about frequency of the words, cooperation in the classroom environment can be formed and the most effective way of preparing vocabulary profile can be prepared. While vocabulary profile is used more in the teaching and learning activities, work cloud is usually used to be knowledgeable about the general idea of a text. Vocabulary profile can be used to develop learners’ vocabulary by teachers, but work cloud can be used as introduction before beginning to examine a topic deeply.

Vocabulary Profiling

Learning key words with computers things help us to know the word frequency level according to common English use and which can be known better. Computers are more effective than humans at finding key words. The use of a concordance is helpful to see words in context. Concordance helps met o see how some words are more common or frequent and also which words are fewer. When I used Concordance with my text, I saw ‘’digital’’ and ‘’download’’ are used more frequent in the text and then I saw ‘’claim’’ and ‘’continue’’ are used less frequent. Multi-concordance is helpful for students to find different use of words and their collocation in sentences. Teachers should train their students to use and benefit from these tools.
Multi-Concordance of my text:

Vocabulary Profiling

I think that common used words are helpful in teaching English because by using them, communication environment can be set and student can transfer thoughts and ask about atopic when they don’t understand. It isn’t necessary to teach the common words because they can naturally learn during the teaching and learning process. I think we don’t need to learn vocabulary explicitly because it is natural process to learn vocabulary by examining content of the texts. Although it is a natural process at some points, it needs some care about learning vocabulary, but it isn’t necessary too much to study on vocabulary. Knowing vocabulary for daily conversation can be enough. However, people can prepare vocabulary lists to extend their vocabulary knowledge and also they can use dictionaries. However, according to me, vocabulary lists can be more effective.

 Vocabulary Profiling

This test can be quite hard for a non-native speaker because a non-native speaker may not use the foreign language always and also there is structure of language that is in mind of the native speaker, so this kind of  test can be quite easy for a native speaker. I was surprised because of the levels of some words. For example, while I think a word as a common one, I saw that it isn’t. I don’t as non-native speaker whether the frequency level of words vary in American or British English. Developing the sense of word frequency in terms of teaching can bring some advantages to the teacher because when a teacher has a good sense of word frequency, s/he can easily decide which word can be better to use according to the conditions in the classroom and explain the content of the lesson with proper words. 

Technology brings very effective ways to make teaching and learning process easier. In teaching, Vocabulary Profile and Concordance can be the ones of the most effective ways because learners can quickly reach the information with these technological programs. In teaching, I would like to use these tools in order to provide brief information before examining the topic in detail. And also, I would like to use these tools to find the definitions and words that are required to be highlighted.
Vocabulary Profiling
While students learn English, they confront many unknown words. Guessing unknown words, in my opinion, change person to person because the range of knowledge is different in each person. However, while I am with new learners of English, I usually see many students who fail to guess of an unknown word. Failing to guess unknown words sometimes happens to me because I don’t have the background knowledge of English as native speakers.
 My course books don’t include the guessing meaning of unknown word, but in first class, there were books which included these types of activities. The activities in those books showed us to guess the words from the context of the texts. No, "9 out of 10" rule wasn’t observed.

A person who teaches should develop their sense of word frequency because they use the language in order to teach and interact with the students by using language and also s/he will teach a text in a book in detail. So as not to confront problems during teaching and learning process, a teacher should develop his/her sense of word frequency. Moreover, students show teachers as role models, so they should have a good sense of word frequency to be a good model.

Task 1
DDL can be suitable for all the activities in f2f class. I think DDL is more suitable for individual work because it includes discovery process in learning, so in order to discover, construct, and examine the new knowledge, an individual work can be more effective than a group work. I think that the internet can be the most effective way for DDL. The internet can be used every moment in DDL because DDL includes student’s own discovery and evaluation of knowledge, so by using activities, searching for information about a topic, the internet can be the most effective way in DDL.
Task 2
The five words are ‘’language, learning materials, knowledge and teaching’’. This type view of text can be beneficial in any way because a person can easily know what the subject of the text is and have an idea about the text that s/he is going to read.
Task 3
KWC is very effective and it shows me how many times the word for which I am looking in the text. ‘’Materials’’ is usually after adjectives like authentic and enhanced and before the nouns and prepositions. I think the strongest collocation of ‘’materials’’ is ‘’enhanced’’.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Blog Teaching Ideas

I could use blogs in many ways in teaching.
Firstly, I could use blogs to give assignments to my students and check how succesful they are at their assignment.
Secondly,I could provide a lot of e-resources for my students by sending them videos, pictures and documents that are related the content of our lesson on the blogs.
Lastly,I could always interact with my students and immediately help them when they need help for their studies.